General Terms and Conditions of REM Agency LLC

Article: General Provisions

The general terms and conditions and instructions for business operations form an integral part of the contract or ticket/voucher concluded between REM Agency LLC and the traveler. A traveler is any person who has made a valid reservation or purchase and has paid for the services of REM Agency LLC, and to whom these general terms and conditions and instructions apply. REM Agency LLC acts as an intermediary between the traveler and the product or service provider and is responsible for providing all necessary information that the traveler needs for their journey. REM Agency LLC is not responsible for individual terms dictated by product or service providers. A traveler may obtain information about the products and services facilitated by REM Agency LLC personally at the office, through email, phone calls, and through the website. Each product dictates its own terms and booking method, which are assumed to be known to the traveler at the time of reservation. For explanations of all documents not available in Slovenian, the traveler can contact REM Agency LLC as indicated in the previous paragraph, otherwise, it is assumed that the traveler is familiar with the terms and contents of these documents.

Article: Prices

Prices of products listed on websites and promotional materials are for informational purposes only. Exact prices of individual products are available at the office, over the phone, or through email. All prices provided to the traveler in the form of an offer through these methods already include all applicable fees and additions unless otherwise specified due to the nature of the service or product. An invoice/offer is only valid for payments made within office hours on the same day it is issued; the following day, unless specifically agreed otherwise, the invoice is no longer valid.

Article: Reservations

At the time of reservation, the traveler must provide all details as published in valid travel documents, present the documents required by the product, and pay reservation costs if required by the specific product. Reservation conditions depend on the terms dictated by the individual product; these conditions are conveyed to the traveler, who decides based on the information obtained. If incorrect details are provided at the time of reservation, the traveler is responsible for all costs or consequences resulting from incorrect data. Some providers offer reservations on request. If such an offer is available, the traveler is informed about the terms of such a reservation from the provider and must adhere to them if they accept the offer.

Article: Payments

The date of payment is considered to be the day when the traveler makes a payment at the office of REM Agency LLC or when REM Agency LLC receives payment into its bank account; the payment must be visible in the company’s bank account during office hours. The traveler may pay using payment methods according to the terms of non-cash transactions of financial institutions, in cases of non-cash payment such as credit card, maestro, BA, and others, for products or services of REM Agency LLC. In the case of a payment refund, REM Agency LLC can in no case pay out in cash, but the traveler may request a credit note if entitled to one.

Article: Changes and Cancellations

The traveler may request changes in the product or service (e.g., change of name, number of travelers, date, destination, etc.), but within the terms dictated by the product or service. To make a change, the traveler must pay costs as determined by the provider’s terms, which the traveler was previously informed about; provided that the product or service allows the desired changes, about which the traveler was informed in writing or orally. The traveler may cancel the product or service in writing at any time, but at the moment of cancellation, cancellation fees according to the terms of the individual product or service apply. REM Agency LLC and the traveler must respect the applicable terms dictated by the product or service provider. If the terms of the product or service allow for a partial refund upon cancellation, then the traveler must provide all documents required by the product or service provider.

Article: Claims and Complaints

The traveler may submit a complaint in writing within the legally prescribed period. Without a written complaint, REM Agency LLC does not consider claims for price reductions or compensation and other claims. The traveler should send the written complaint to the following address: REM Agency LLC, Parmova 53, 1000 Ljubljana. The complaint must be signed and can be filed by each traveler on their own behalf or by a third party authorized in writing. Authorization must be attached to the complaint, otherwise, REM Agency LLC will not consider it. The complaint must be substantiated. Therefore, the traveler should attach appropriate evidence and/or appropriate certification from a hotelier, carrier, or other relevant person based on which the traveler is making their claim. If the complaint concerns a product or service of an individual provider, REM Agency LLC will forward it on behalf of the traveler to the provider and represent the traveler’s interests in resolving the individual complaint, and will also forward the provider’s responses to the complaint. REM Agency LLC does not assume responsibility for the implementation of products or services by providers over whom it has no control.

Article: Travel Documents

A traveler traveling abroad must have a valid document (i.e., a passport or another valid appropriate document, which must be valid for at least six months after returning to the country), with which they can enter a specific country. If the country to which the traveler is traveling conditions entry on its territory with a certain validity period of the travel document before the validity expires on the day of entry, the traveler must pay attention to these provisions themselves and act according to the requirements of that country. REM Agency LLC is not responsible for any inconvenience or forced interruption of travel due to this title. It is also the duty of the traveler to obtain visas for countries they are traveling to if such countries require entry visas and to perform vaccinations that are required for these countries. In case of refusal of entry into the country due to unregulated documents or other barriers, the traveler bears all the costs themselves.

At the reservation of individual products, the traveler provides data that must fully match the data in official documents such as a passport and identity card; the traveler is obligated to carry these in accordance with regulations on crossing the state border and appropriate foreign legislative acts. If incorrect data causes delays, additional costs, or interruption of travel, the traveler alone is responsible for all incurred costs. If a traveler loses documents during travel or they are stolen, but are necessary for continuing the journey or for returning to the homeland, the traveler must obtain new ones at their own expense. If a traveler must interrupt their journey due to loss or theft of documents, they are not entitled to any reimbursement of expenses.

Article: Pre-departure Notices

Travelers do not receive special notices regarding the journey from REM Agency LLC, except in previously agreed cases. Damage that may occur because the traveler provided an incomplete or incorrect address for the purpose of fulfilling the itinerary/voucher or contract is borne by the traveler themselves.

Article: Health Regulations

According to the regulations of the World Health Organization, the traveler is obligated to get vaccinated and obtain the appropriate document for travel to certain countries. Each traveler is responsible for checking the health regulations of the countries they are traveling to and acting accordingly. REM Agency LLC is not responsible for any complications or interruption/cancellation of travel due to the traveler’s non-compliance with the health regulations of the country to which they are traveling, nor for costs associated with this.

Article: Airline Tickets

If the contract is represented by an airline ticket, then the general conditions as determined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) apply. Each airline ticket is subject to its own conditions, which are determined by the carrier and about which the traveler is informed before or at the time of purchase by REM Agency LLC. The traveler and REM Agency LLC must act according to the conditions determined by the airline. REM Agency LLC acts as an intermediary between the traveler and the airline and is responsible as such for providing all necessary information that the traveler needs. REM Agency LLC is not responsible for individual conditions dictated by the airline. Prices of airline tickets listed on websites and promotional materials are for informational purposes only. Exact prices are obtained by the traveler at the office, over the phone, or through email. All prices provided to the traveler in the form of an offer through these methods already include all applicable fees and additions. An invoice/offer is only valid for payments made within office hours on the same day it is issued; the following day, unless specifically emphasized, is no longer valid. Prices of airline tickets may change daily due to changes in exchange rates and the level of fees, about which the traveler is informed at the time of reservation. At the time of reservation, the traveler must provide all details as published in valid travel documents, present documents if such a requirement of the individual airline, and pay any reservation costs. Reservation conditions depend on the terms dictated by the individual airline for the selected type of airline ticket; these conditions are conveyed to the traveler, who decides based on the information obtained. If incorrect details are provided at the time of reservation, the traveler is responsible for all costs or consequences resulting from incorrect data. Some airlines offer reservations on a waiting list. If such an offer is available, the traveler is informed about the terms of such a reservation and must adhere to them if they accept the offer.

The date of payment is considered to be the day when the traveler makes a payment at the office of REM Agency LLC or when REM Agency LLC receives payment into its bank account; the payment must be visible in the company’s bank account during office hours. The traveler may pay using payment methods according to the terms of non-cash transactions of financial institutions, in cases of non-cash payment such as credit card, maestro, BA, and others, for products or services of REM Agency LLC. In the case of a payment refund, REM Agency LLC can in no case pay out in cash, but the traveler may request a credit note if entitled to one. The airline reserves the right to change the date and time of departure or to cancel the trip due to a change in the airline schedule or the occurrence of force majeure, and the right to change the direction of travel if travel conditions change, such as a new schedule, an unstable situation in the country, and therefore flight cancellations, natural disasters, or other unforeseen causes, over which REM Agency LLC cannot influence, without special compensation and according to valid regulations in passenger transport. If the airline cancels the flight, the traveler has the right to a full refund of the paid price. In case of flight cancellation, the traveler does not have the right to a refund of visa costs required for entry into the country they were supposed to travel to, or costs of vaccinations required by that country. REM Agency LLC is not responsible for delays of airplanes nor for changes in the traveler’s journey that may occur as a result of such delays.

Article: Changes and Cancellations of Airline Tickets

The traveler may request changes in the journey (e.g., change of name, number of travelers, date, destination, etc.), but within the terms dictated by the airline for the selected airline ticket. To make a change, the traveler must pay costs as determined by the airline’s conditions, which the traveler was previously informed about; provided that the selected airline ticket allows the desired changes, about which the traveler was informed in writing/orally. The traveler may cancel the airline ticket in writing at any time, but at the moment of cancellation, cancellation fees according to the terms of the airline for the selected airline ticket apply. REM Agency LLC and the traveler must respect the applicable terms dictated by the airline. If the terms allow for a partial refund to the traveler upon cancellation, then the traveler must provide all documents required by the airline.

Article: Baggage

In air transport, the airline alone is responsible for baggage, based on the regulations that apply in international air passenger transport. Claims for lost or damaged baggage are addressed by the traveler to the carrier themselves. For the transport of special baggage, such as bicycles, surfboards, golf equipment, etc., the traveler must pay a surcharge to the carrier, usually at the airport upon departure. In any case, it is mandatory to announce the transport of such baggage already at the time of reservation, but the air carrier still reserves the right to refuse transport of such baggage due to limited capacity limitations. All costs or damage that may arise due to this are borne by the traveler themselves. Transport of baggage up to a certain weight determined by the carrier is free of charge. In air transport, the traveler has the right to free transport of a certain weight of baggage, according to the carrier’s provisions, and each additional kilogram is paid by the traveler themselves on-site in the appropriate currency, or according to the provisions of the airline. Children up to two years old do not have the right to free baggage transport. In air transport, the airline alone is responsible for baggage, based on the regulations that apply in international air passenger transport. For questions regarding exact rules for allowed baggage and exact prices of additional baggage, contact or call 01 235 53 31. In the case of lost baggage, the traveler fills out the PIR form of the airline that performed the transport, and hands the completed form to the representative of the airline, keeping one copy for themselves. Based on the form, the airline compensates according to the regulations that apply in international passenger transport. REM Agency LLC is not responsible for the theft or damage of the traveler’s baggage or other personal items, valuables, and documents from transport vehicles such as planes, buses, or other transport means. Likewise, REM Agency LLC is not responsible for any claims, losses, damage, costs, or expenses in the event of injury, accident, or death, injury or loss of baggage or other property, dissatisfaction, disappointment, nervousness, or frustration that may arise due to: – the mistake of another party; – mechanical failures, acts of government, weather, or other factors over which REM Agency LLC has no influence; – the failure of the traveler to obtain all necessary documents; – the traveler’s inability or inattention to follow instructions, including but not limited to check-in, check-out, baggage management; – cancellations or changes in the travel offer for any reason; – any physical limitations or health issues the traveler may have.

Article: Accuracy of Carriers

REM Agency LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of transports on land, sea, and air, on regular or special passenger transports, voyages, or flights. The responsibility of carriers is appropriately determined in the contract between the traveler and the carrier, which comes into effect with the use of the transport means. REM Agency LLC is not responsible for damage that may arise from delays, cancellations, or changes in transport or transport means. The link below leads to a list of airlines with locations of individual company headquarters:

Article: Miscellaneous

REM Agency LLC protects all obtained data about travelers in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. It is considered that the traveler consents to the use of this data with the purpose of fulfilling contractual obligations and rights, as well as for purposes of direct marketing, market research, customer segmentation, statistical processing, and informing about the offer of REM Agency LLC and its business partners, by signing the contract. If the traveler does not wish this, they may declare this at the time of reservation/purchase. All prices already include value-added tax. In case of a dispute between parties, the materially competent court in Ljubljana has jurisdiction. These general terms and conditions apply to all contracts concluded from the date of publication.

Ljubljana, November 1, 2017